This manual provides instructions for operating the CtrlMovie Creator app.
What is CtrlMovie Creator?
CtrlMovie is a novel interactive movie format, giving filmmakers the tools to tell multi-optional stories in a truly cinematic way. CtrlMovie Creator is the application with which CtrlMovie scripts are produced.
What is it for?
CtrlMovie Creator is the scriptwriting program specifically designed enabling filmmakers to create multi-optional scripts through many features that support an interactive screenplay.
What can be done with CtrlMovie Creator?
The CtrlMovie Creator App comes with a number of unique features that enables the creation of an interactive movie script.
The most important element of the CtrlMovie Creator scripts are the Buttons that can be easily inserted into the script at any time, making up the options presented to the viewers.
Cinematic Flow
One of the most unique features of CtrlMovie Creator is that the cinematic quality is not disturbed when the viewers are faced with making decisions. This is achieved through Default Action options for Buttons and for Conditional Branch Points.
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