Document Settings
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This is the title given to the entire document. It can be changed anytime through the “Title” box on the right hand side of the screen.
Located under the “Title” box, the “Written by” box is where the author’s name is noted down. This can also be changed any time.
The “Contact Info” box is located under the “Written by” box. This information can also be changed at any given time.
The Title, Author and Contact Information all appear in the Title Page of the script.
The Version box enables the creators to keep track of which version of the script they are working with (see on how to insert additional information such as the version into the printed version of the document).
The Layout box provides a selection of alphabets with which the script can be written. The current selection consists of the Latin, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean and Japanese alphabets.
The layout of a document should be selected before inserting the text because a change in the layout alphabet will cause changes throughout the document. Only one layout can be used throughout the script (i.e. a script with a Japanese layout cannot contain Latin characters).
Like the Layout Option, the language with which the script is written can be determined through the Language Option. The Language box is located directly under the Layout box and the selection has a wide range from Abkhazian to Zuni (alphabetically listed).
First Episode box works to determine the course of the script, through enabling the selection of one episode the beginning episode. In order to do this, the first episode has to be created beforehand (see Creating Episodes).
The Print tab enables users to determine the paper size and to choose between the "Portrait" or "Landscape" form.