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Validations can be seen in the tab under the Validate button located on the top right corner of the screen. Any problems with the script will be shown here. Double clicking on each validation error navigates the screen to the Episode, Segment etc. where the error has been detected.
Validation can also be done through the Menu Bar under "Document ▸ Validate…" which will automatically open the right tab and run Validation. In order for a script to be complete and fully operational, the Validate tab should read "No issues".
Errors and warnings can be seen in the Validation tab on the right side of the screen. Errors are indicated with a red sign whereas the warnings indicated with a yellow. The difference between an error and a warning is primarily that an error may cause the script not to run through (see Walkthrough), whereas a warning is given simply to note that certain parts of the document are missing. There are main categories of each, and under them it is possible to see where these have occurred followed by a concise description of what they are caused by.
When an error is fixed, refreshing the Validation tab through the Refresh (⟳) icon on the top right corner of the tab will remove the error/warning sign, which indicates that the error/warning has been fixed.